Originally created by MizB
What are you currently reading?
The End Of Mr Y by Scarlett Thomas - I'm not sure what I think of this book so far; it seems to be quite pretentious in its writing style in the way that it's trying to be more intelligent than it actually is. She is name dropping lots of philosopher names and quoting them, but it all seems to be a little misdirected and it's coming off in quite a bland way. I am only about 100 pages into the book, so I am going to see how it goes and hope it gets better.Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka - this definitely surprised me at how much I actually enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting to like it that much from the off due to the fact it revolves around topics that I am not too interested in and find quite boring, but despite all of that it was very interesting to read. I have never read anything about human nature and how different people lead their lives and it made me really think about my own life and how I live it. It was a real eye opener and I'm definitely going to try her other books.
What do you think you'll read next?
The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman - This is the series that I've always wanted to finish, as I absolutely adored the first book, but have never got around to. The first time around it was due to the fact that I only had the three books in one hard bound volume which was ridiculously heavy and clunky to read from, but I have recently bought singular copies of each of the series from a charity shop so I have no reason not to read them any more. Now is that time.